
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Online Assignment #1, Ayla Kress

1.   I was born and raised for the most part in Green Bay, WI (Go Pack Go) but have also lived in Hawaii and Ireland for an extended period of time.
2.     I don’t always stay as up on the news as I should or like to, but I like to read the New York Times in print as I cannot stand digital prints. I often watch the news such as CNN and listen to NPR radio in my free time. Prairie home companion, anyone?  
3.     I don’t have just one favorite TV show, but about five across every genre: Archer, Game of Thrones, Pretty Little Liars, Family Guy, and True Blood.
4.     I’m not a super hero and don’t often use “catch phrases” but I tend to use “Dude”, “Totally dude”, and “Man” a lot, almost too much, I apologize.
5.     Pop culture in general is annoying to me. I grew up listening to classic rock from The Grateful Dead and Credence Clearwater Revival, to Led Zeppelin so the typical pop music is nauseating to me. I try to avoid anyone that names his or her child North West and couldn’t care less about what boy Taylor Swift has broken up with this week.
6.     As I had stated in my answer to question 5 I listen to mostly classics or more alternative folk music, I wouldn’t disagree with some Ska, Folk, or a little Tom Petty.
7.     I love cats, no I’m not a crazy cat lady, but this is just too good to pass up… Watch it until the end.

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